
The shipping industry contributes 3% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, but has promised to reduce emissions by half by 2050. The cold shipping industry is responsible for transporting temperature-sensitive products, such as food, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines, across the world. The refrigerated shipping equipment is expensive to run and contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions.

Shipping Containers being loaded onto a container ship

By Sea

On large container ships, the cooling systems for refrigerated containers, or reefers, are powered either by using on-board generators or by plugging into the ship’s powersource. Significant amounts of energy are required to keep them cool, even though these containers are placed in the hull, away from the sun. Application of Pirta paint would integrate with standard industry practices and use passive-cooling technology to cool reefers even when they are housed in the shade, resulting in a decreased reliance on external power and protection from external temperature fluctuations.

Semi truck / Lorry in long line

By Land

When refrigerated goods are transported by land, reefers have an attached portable cooling system that often runs off of an independent diesel fuel engine or the truck’s engine. Painting these reefers with Pirta paint will make them less reliant on external cooling, improving the gas mileage of the trucks and decreasing the need for diesel fuel. The refrigeration system itself also benefits from Pirta paint, which will keep the mechanics from overheating in warm weather. As temperatures rise, non-refrigerated goods that are heat sensitive will also benefit from being shipped in containers coated with Pirta paint to ensure that they arrive at their destination unharmed.

“In a world of changing climate conditions and increasing temperatures, it's important to have technologies that can offset the damage that has been done. That's a huge win for the world, for humanity.”

— Scott Fleming

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